Lu sur un autre forum :
A propos du numéro 4 du comic "Countdown" :
"The end of issue 4 is a cliffhanger and is going to continue in the first few minutes of the movie."
Right after that was said, another writer (or artist) said
that part of the movie will take place with the Next Generation crew and to look out for that. Another guy on the panel gave him a quick "uh oh" look and smiled.
After that, someone from the audience asked "So are members of the Next Generation cast in the new Trek movie?" to which the same guy replied, "I really cannot say anything about that."
Et Hercules d'AICN, de conclure d'un " This news reminds me that William Shatner and George Takei were visited by writer-director Abrams just prior to the announcement of Abrams' involvement in the new “Star Trek” movie".
Je ne traduis pas tout, mais en fait, peut-être faudrait-il s'attendre à des apparitions-surprises à l' écran des plus réjouissantes pour les Trekkers... Ou pas (!!)
Avril va être long comme tout, mon dieu... J'en peux déjà plus d' attendre.